суббота, 14 апреля 2012 г.

Aquarium plants and aquascape packages, useful information and how to's!

      Aquarium plants, and information on "how to's" with freshwater. Aquarium plants and aquascaping information will be added on a regular basis. If you'd like to check back for coming articles of interest, you might want to bookmark this website! Everything from live plants to supplies to aquarium plants for sale to information for your underwater garden from experienced people who really understand your needs and can answer your questions. We want you to be successful in your aquarium or watergarden endeavours!

We understand that not all of you are experienced aquatic gardeners and need a little help. Questions are welcomed from you, we believe education is part of the joy of this wonderful and relaxing life experience. Any of your questions from freshwater plants to pond plants are welcome! To get your questions answered by email,
Click Here. Or if you like, give us a call. We will guide you through the entire process from start to finish if you are a beginner with expert advice. We will also help you through any problems you might encounter after you have established your aquascape. We welcome any questions you might have before you get started, we want you to be successful! You can buy aquarium plants like Anubias, Java Fern, bunch plants, Cryptocorynes, Amazon sword plant, Vallisneria, Aponogeton and many others. 

We will be adding biotope packages soon, as well as information on those biotopes. The first is up, starting with the Amazon region of South America. CLICK HERE FOR THE AMAZON BIOTOPE! The S.E. Asian biotope is up, CLICK HERE FOR THE S.E. ASIAN BIOTOPE! There are aquarium plant layouts (aquascapes) with labels for you to try in your own setup. Aquascaping is a beautiful arrangement to create an "underwater garden". If you look in our photo sections, you can get some ideas to create your own beautiful aquascape. Now imagine that "underwater" garden in your office or family room! It lends interest and imagination to any room!

NOTE: We are long time growers of live aquarium plants and our nursery tanks are all maintained to produce beautiful freshwater specimens that are ready to make your own underwater garden beautiful. Please feel free to email or call us with any questions you might have, you will receive a prompt reply to your question. Aquarium plants, supplies, packages, or aquatic plants and tropical fish are all part of our passion and you and your family can enjoy your very own aquarium or watergarden for many years to come. We are pleased to assist you to help create your very own minature biotope! We know you will enjoy it for years to come!

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