суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

What You Need to Know about Silver Arowana

Silver Arowana is the most common among all types of the arowana species and thus commands a much lower price compared to the likes of the rare super red and crossback varieties. An adult pet fish is usually sold within the price range of few hundred dollars (most of the time not exceeding $500) while some younger few months old to a yearling is offered for much less, between 20 to 50 bucks. The fish appears in a completely all silver color on its whole body starting from the head to tail except for its fins which may be slightly reddish during its juvenile period but disappears as it gets older.

Caring for the silver arowana (sometimes called dragon fish) should be relatively simple as the requirement would be the same as with all other normal aquarium fish species with regards to water quality and tank setup. Most experienced hobbyists who have prior experience keeping other freshwater tropical fish should not have any problem handling and keeping them as pets except that demands for foods and nutrition might be slightly different. Compared to the other types of fish which will easily accept any food given to them, arowana being a predatory species has specialized requirement as they will need constant supply of live foods to keep them active. I did discuss about this topic before about the perception that arowana can only do well with supply of live foods but however, this is not entirely true as frequent feeding of high quality pellets made specially for predatory fish with protein content may also serve as good replacement. You can head over reading this article about the best recommended foods for your arowana pets.

young baby silver arowanaPicture of a healthy young baby silver arowana

Silver arowana are known to attain at least 30 feet in length under optimum living conditions but there are also some documented accounts of wild caught species going as far as 50 feet but this only holds true if they are allowed to survive in mud ponds with constant supply of fresh clean water. On the contrary, domesticated species living in home aquariums can only achieve certain maximum size and it usually does not cross above 10 feet even though the right dietary requirements and other aspects of fish care are provided. Silver arowana life span if well looked after can survive up to 8 years minimum and it's not surprising that some live longer than that. Fish tank housing your pet should be at least able to hold 500 gallons minimum and consideration has to be put into the aquarium dimension especially on the width and not just the length alone, as the fish needs to turn and swim to the opposite direction. These are some of the things that you will need to put particular attention towards.

Arowana are known to be susceptible to different types of disease. Usually the first sign that your precious pet might be sick is when they are not eating at all rejecting all foods given to them. Most of the problems are usually related to the feeding of live feeder fish which carries parasitic disease with them and somehow supply of tubifex worms are sometimes contaminated with viruses that can easily cause infection and upset their stomach. Drop eye is another problem most common among all affecting different types of arowara and is most prevalent for the silver arowana. Gill infections related that can deteriorate up to the extent of decaying is also quite common and so does cloudy eyes problem. Aquarist believe that all of these are actually related to the water quality and usually temperature of the water should not be kept too cold below 25 deg Celsius as it will make the fish susceptible to disease and infection. If problems develop, the best solution is to seek out medicated cures sold at pet stores and immediately check your water quality to bring it back to normal condition within the ideal temperature range.

Golden Crossback Arowana is by far one of the most highly sought after arowana breed due to its brilliant gold color metallic sheen that shines when viewed under full-spectrum aquarium lighting. The fish is a favorite crossback species popular among arowana fanatics and because of its unique feature that projects an awesome display of coloration; no doubt it commands one of the highest selling price. The breed is graded according to its color intensity and what makes the crossback special is the line of golden scales that actually runs until the end of its body crossing the upper topmost scale (also called the 6th scale).

Golden crossback is actually an Asian variety of the arowana fish. Apart from the yellow gold color base, there is also the blue and also the green based of the crossback variety developed by experienced fish breeders. These days, with extensive cross breeding program undertaken by hobbyist, there is even a special variety which is called the 24K fully golden colored arowana. What makes this one truly remarkable is the absolute gold coloration covering the whole of its body and a quick glance would actually have you thinking on whether the fish was actually been painted gold. The variety first made its appearance couple of years ago in Malaysia and Singapore and today, it is one of the top high quality fish that could easily fetch few thousands dollars, sometimes even more. Another variety of the golden fish is the red-tailed golden arowana. Although somehow it is considered a lower grade specimen commanding a fraction of the price you would pay for a crossback, nevertheless they still share the same level of attention enjoyed by all arowana hobbyist. Unlike the crossback, the red tail only has golden scales showing on the 4th and 5th level and hardly goes above the 6th level and you can see the tail fins appearing slightly reddish.

rare crossback golden arowanaAcquiring a well-developed flawless specimen and finding one that fulfills the criteria of a perfect fish is indeed very rare (to certain extent exotic) as sometimes there is always a noticeable defect seen on every individual fish such as the dreaded drop eye condition happening on some of the maturing fish and the protruding jaw effect which can really hurt the overall aesthetic value. Also depending on the arrangement of the scales and proportion of its weight against the body length, a well-balanced type is always hard to come by and because of these factors; it has made the selection process even more delicate if you intend to find one matching your requirements. Sometimes in a pool of similar crossback arowana fry born from the same parents, each and every one can develop to become a unique individual fish and there are several factors like foods and nutrition, living environment, tank size, water quality with all playing a part towards the development process.

These days, buying a juvenile arowana is perhaps the best option if you can’t afford paying the price for getting an adult fish. Usually potential buyers in Europe will actually travel across the globe going to South East Asia where most of the highly prized specimen all resides in this tropical region. Some breeders are known to sell their stock of fish with accompanying certificates so that one can trace the lineage of their pets going back to its genetic traits. However, be forewarned because most arowana just like koi fish does not show its true potential until several years later in which males will take even longer time before they are matured. During this period, chances of undesirable characteristic appearing and imperfection may occur and it all depends on luck. As one would say, a perfect fish is only one in a million and that is especially true for the golden crossback arowana. Accompanying the article here, you will find the above combo pictures showing one of the high-grade crossback specimens projected at different angles with the snapshots provided by one of our readers. As you can see, it is indeed a magnificent work of art. (Note with the use of tanning lights to increase color intensity of the fish)
 Freshwater Tropical Fish, generally are the fish found in rivers in tropical countries like for example the Amazon river in South America, where it is known to be home to the most diverse population of freshwater fish in the world. Today there are still quite a number of fresh water tropical fish remaining in the wild especially in the areas where development hasn't take place. Ever since the olden days, a number of these tropical fish were caught, raised and bred to become domestic aquarium fish.

Domesticated tropical fish as compared to their cousins in the wild are usually more attractive and colourful. This is due to selective breeding done by aquarist with some other fish species. If you still remember the lessons taught in Biology class, another reason why tropical fish in the wild does not exhibit attractive colours is because of "Natural Selection". Fish with genes that determine bright colours will usually more prone to be spotted by predators, thus leaving the wild fish with dull colours better chance of survival.

There are actually thousands of species of fresh water tropical fish that has been categorized and identified by scientists. Most of these fish are actually found in the Amazon river and it's known to be numbering more than 3000 species! The largest fresh water tropical fish, Arapaima, also belongs to this river and are believed to be the largest in the world, with length of up to 15ft/4m while weighing 440lbs/200kg. Other better known tropical fresh water fish is the piranha which is the most dangerous fish ever known and are also domesticated although it has been banned by certain countries. Other fish like the Neon Tetra, Swordtail and Discus are also examples of fresh water tropical fish which are kept as aquarium fish and originated from the rivers of the Amazon.

Pollution and changes in the environment are threatening existence of fresh water tropical fish and scientists have predicted that these numbers will dwindle and eventually become extinct in the next few decades or so. Therefore, don't be surprised to learn that in the future, fresh water tropical fish that we will ever get to see, are the ones left remaining in home aquarium.

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