суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

Aquarium plants


ou have the dream, Tropica turns it into reality. We import plants from all over the world – from the rain forests of Brazil to the watercour-ses of New Zealand. So if you are looking for attractive ornamental plants or compact foreground plants, plants on stone or roots, we
have what you want. There are countless options and only your imagination imposes limits on what you can achieve in your aquarium.
This catalogue takes you on an inspiring journey to the underwater world of aquatic plants so you can create your own Amazon at
home. Have a great trip!
Welcome to this year’s product catalogue from Tropica. I hope that
this catalogue will provide you with the inspiration, ideas and desire
to embark on new adventures in the world of the aquarist. With ap-
proximately 130 different types of aquarium plants as well as count-
less varieties, I wish you a pleasant reading in the following pages.
The catalogue should be seen as an appetizer and a good supple-
ment to the more detailed information, articles, and descriptions
found at www.tropica.com. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter
on our web site so you can receive news and knowledge of what is
happening at Tropica on an ongoing basis.
In general, we are delighted that the hobby is developing in a posi-
tive direction. Apart from a tremendous infl ux of new products to the
industry, we are increasingly seeing that our distributors are concen-
trating on creating shops that consumers and ensure that sales staff
can provide you with the best advice.
I hope you fi nd our catalogue interesting. If you have any questions
that it does not give the answers to, our web site can help you fi nd
the address of your local distributor who is always prepared to pro-
vide you with the advice you may need. Enjoy your reading!
Two things surprise most people who come into contact with Tropica
Aquarium Plants for the fi rst time. Nobody expects to fi nd the world’s
leading producer of tropical aquarium plants in Denmark – a cold,
windy country half a world away from the humid heat of the rain fore-
st. And even fewer are prepared for the unique interplay between the
latest technology and the committed, loving care that forms the basis
for Tropica’s uncompromising quality.
Tropica took a decisive step forward as a company in 2007. After
more than 35 years’ production at the same location, we moved to
completely new fascilities on 1 May 2007. We made a major invest-
ment in a new nursery so we could continue to supply some of the
best aquarium plants in the world. This 11,000 square metre electro-
nically monitored nursery with accompanying biotechnology labora-
tory got off to a modest start in 1970 as the result of founder Holger
Windeløv’s passion for his hobby – a burning interest in aquarium
plants. Today, Tropica employs about 50 people who are all infected
by the enthusiasm that created the original business.
Plants are living organisms and, like everything else, they thrive best
when they are treated with competent care and respect. Every year,
Tropica cultivates several million aquarium plants in more than 130
different varieties that are exported to most countries in the world. Sy-
stematic research and comprehensive biotechnological knowledge
combined with cultivation in an environment where computers con-
stantly ensure the optimum nutrition and growth conditions naturally
mean a great deal where quality is concerned. But we are convinced
that it is the heartfelt, genuine interest in the plants that is the most
important reason why Tropica plants are recognised everywhere as
the most beautiful, healthiest, and most robust aquarium plants on
the market.
Rapid, reliable deliveries everywhere
Tropica is the preferred brand name in tropical aquarium plants in
countries throughout the world. This places us under an obligation.
So, in collaboration with the carriers we use, we have built up a rapid,
effi cient distribution system that is absolutely decisive when dealing
with living plants. Together, we have organised a control and service
system that minimizes the risk of faulty deliveries.
Tropica plants are individually packed in special packaging that protects
them against physical damage. In addition, the plants are effectively
protected against the infl uence of heat and cold during transport.
Everything has been optimised in relation to plant growth at our
new nursery. But we have also devoted much thought to effi cient
production fl ow – all the way from potting to production to packing
the plants. A fl ow that ensures the plants maintain their high quality
throughout the process.
Our plants always reach our distributors in a fresh, attractive condition,
ready for sale. There is always somebody at the offi ce ready to help
you if you have any questions. We speak all principal languages.

A water fern with very beautiful transparent green leaves. When planting do not cover the rhizome because
it will rot, and it is best to plant  Bolbitis heudelotii on a root or stone. Keep the plant in position with fi shing
line until it has gained a hold. Easy to propagate by splitting the horizontal rhizome. Growth can be increased
considerably by supplying CO
, and is only optimal in soft, slightly acidic water.

The plants ar e illustrated by handpainted water colours, but the co-
lours may not be exactly the same as those of the living plants. The illu-
strations do not refl ect the size of the various plants in relation to each
other. Please see the information about height and width in the chart.
POT: Plant produced in a round 5 cm pot with healthy, well-develo-
ped roots.
XL: Large mother plant produced in a 9 x 9 cm pot.
BDT: Bunched plants, with or without roots.
KN: Bulb plant with few small leaves.
Name of the family the plant belongs to, for identifying related
A picture of the plant as it is obtained from Tropica – plants are ofte
grown above water and therefore have a different appearance to th
picture the aquarist has of the plant from the aquarium.
The country or countries where the plant is most widespread.
Tropical (Pan): The plant can be found everywhere in the tropics.
Cosmopolitan: The plant can be found in most parts of the world.
Cultivar: Plant not found in the wild, produced by cultivation or breeding
Plants marked     are protected by trade marks, and may not be culti
vated commercially without a licence.
Stated in cm. The range shows the average height after about 2 months i
the aquarium in normal growing conditions. The plant often grows highe
when conditions are exceptionally good. A + sign after the height fi gur
indicates that the plant may grow much higher in favourable conditions.
Stated in degrees Celsius. If the other growing conditions are suitable
the plant grows well in the range stated. The optimal temperature is a
the middle of the range. Many plants can grow at higher temperatures
more light is supplied. Plants with a maximum temperature of 28° C ca
often fl ourish in temperatures of up to 35° C if light intensity is very high
Summary table for converting catalogue fi gures into carbonate hard
ness (CH) and total hardness (GH).
Soft   CH 0-4 dh  GH 0-6 dh
Medium  CH 5-10 dh  GH 7-13 dh
Hard  CH 11-16 dh  GH 14-20 dh
Very hard  CH >17 dh  GH 14-20 dh
pH = 5-6.5  Acid
pH = 6.5-7.5  Neutral
pH = 7.5-9  Alkaline
The letter refers to ”Tips and tricks” with recommendations for plan-
ting and looking after the plant.
1. Very low. 2. Low. 3. Medium. 4. High. 5. Very high.
If the other growing conditions are in order, the plant grows well in
the range stated. Many factors infl uence the light conditions for the
plants, e.g. whether they stand alone or are shaded by other plants.
The use of fl uorescent lighting and refl ectors also has an impact.
Lighting should be supplied for 10-12 hours daily.
This information can be used when planting an aquarium.
1. Very slow. 2. Slow. 3. Medium. 4. Fast. 5. Very fast.
An indication of growing conditions required.
Easy: The plant makes no demands, or very few, on growing conditi-
ons in the aquarium. Thrives in all aquariums.
Medium: The plant makes a few demands on growing conditions but
thrives in most aquariums.
Diffi cult: The plant makes great demands on growing conditions in
the aquarium, e.g. many hours of intensive light.
Very diffi cult: The plant makes special demands on the growing en-
vironment, e.g. a great deal of light and soft water.
A picture of the plant after it has adapted to the conditions in the aqua-
rium – and also as inspiration for the use of the plant in the aquarium.

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